Here is an opportunity to do something that will
Impact The Community!
Become a member or volunteer to help with our events
There are many ways to volunteer,
from posting flyers to food donations or preparations or clean up, donate monetarily or items off our affiliates wish lists (Zablocki VA / Other VA Groups) or just attending our fundraising events. Here are the groups that make up our legion family and the events they host:
Legion Sponsored Events
Coon Feed - Last Saturday in January
July 4th Independence Day Parade
Memorial Day Services 10am
Badger Boys
Sports Leagues Including
In-house pool, Coed Volleyball, Cornhole,
Electronic Darts & Little League Baseball
S.A.L. Sponsored Events
Ice Fishery - 1st Sat of Feb
Packer Chili Contest - Dec
Delafield Days Corn Roast - July
Outdoor Packer Tailgate Party - Nov
Bi Annual Road Clean Up
Spring/Fall Grounds Maintenance
Auxiliary Sponsored Events
Wine Tasting 1st Sat in Nov
Christmas with the Vets
(at Zablocki VA Hospital)
May Poppy Distribution
4th of July Parade
Delafield Veterans Day - Oct

Meetings Held
3rd Monday in the Month
If you are on active duty today, anywhere in the world, or have served during any eligible war eras, become a member of the American Legion!
We're veterans just like you, nearly 3 million strong, who care about America, veterans and their families and our nation's youth. The Legion is a powerful voice in Washington dedicated to preserving the rights we've all earned - and were promised - by service to our nation in uniform.
We invite you to join us now. Membership brings an impressive array of benefits. The American Legion is always there for you and your family - in Washington and nearly 15,000 local posts throughout America and abroad. Just like you, we are
"Still Serving America!"

Meetings Held
1st Monday in the Month
S.A.L. members include males of all ages whose parents or grandparents served in the U.S. military and were eligible for American Legion membership.
Members of The American Legion, American Legion Auxiliary and Sons of The American Legion comprise the Legion Family, which has a combined membership of nearly 4.2 million. Although Sons has its own membership, the organization is not a separate entity. Rather, S.A.L. is a program of The American Legion.
Many Legionnaires hold dual membership in S.A.L.

Meetings Held
2nd Monday in the Month
Founded in 1919, The American Legion Auxiliary has nearly 1 million members from all walks of life. The Auxiliary administers hundreds of volunteer programs, gives tens of thousands of hours to its communities and to veterans, and raises millions of dollars to support its own programs, as well as other worthwhile charities familiar to Americans. It is all accomplished with volunteers.
While originally organized to assist The American Legion, the Auxiliary has achieved its own unique identity while working side-by-side with the veterans who belong to The American Legion. Like the Legion, the Auxiliary’s interests have broadened to encompass the entire community.
The American Legion Auxiliary is the world’s largest women’s patriotic service organization. Through its nearly 10,500 units located in every state and some foreign countries, the Auxiliary embodies the spirit of America that has prevailed through war and peace. Along with The American Legion, it solidly stands behind America and her ideals

American Legion Riders chapters are well known for their charitable work, which has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for local children's hospitals, schools, veterans homes, severely wounded servicemembers and scholarships. Since 2006, Riders nationwide have participated in The American Legion Legacy Run to annually raise money for the Legacy Scholarship Fund, established to provide scholarships to children of U.S. military personnel killed since Sept. 11, 2001.

We are a proud sponsor of and have a close relationship with The Potawatomi Area Council's Troop 49, which is Chartered by The Delafield American Legion Post 196
If you'd like to donate your time and services and would like to get involved Click Here

CHAPLAIN'S NOTE: There is power in prayer. Your prayer concerns are important to the Legion Family of Delafield’s Post 196. When you submit a prayer request, it could or could not be posted in the Legion weekly email. The choice is yours. The Bible promise is true: “If we ask anything according His will, He hears Us, (1 John 5:14). Please email or phone your Chaplin.
Legion Chaplin Neil Rand at nrand@wi.rr.com or (262) 646-3126
Son’s of the Legion Chaplin Mark Kitzman makitzman@gmail.com or (262) 434-0385
Chaplin for the Auxiliary Barb Doerfer jbedoerfer@gmail.com or (262) 782-2359